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Cooking courses at La Sultana

28 December 2014

As Moroccan Artisan has become an Art, the Moroccan cuisine is present today in the biggest tables. The way of eating indicates usually the degree of a nation’s culture and from this point of view, Morocco,
is a kingdom.

What could be nicer than learning the secrets to amaze friends upon returning from a stay in Marrakech?
La Sultana, one of the 5* Luxury Hotels of the Red city, is an accomplice in delivering its culinary secrets by targeted cooking courses.
We learn the ancestral know-how of the Moroccan cuisine and how to dose accurately the pinch of cumin in the chicken tagine with candied lemon.
On the large terrace, looking like the hanging gardens of Babylon, in the middle of palms and flow of bougainvillea, in an intimate place a laboratory is specially equipped to practice « strum » with several hands.

The charm of this rural setting, olive groves and the huge pots of aromatic plants promote the creative inspiration and invite to a recreational focus to the advices from the chef of the house…

The course is two and a half hour long. The first half hour is devoted for the placement and the virtues of spices in the local cuisine, to the art of dosing and to the harmony of blends. It’s all the magic and the characteristic of the Moroccan cuisine that are revealed: Only the suggestion of flavors which invade gradually the palace.
Then come two hours of initiation with the Chef. On gleaming stainless steel keyboards, colorful vegetables are spread. The lesson goes on ! Advices, example, corrections… Each vegetable will become a stroke
of brush in pallet of paint once the dish is done.

Finally comes the reward of the pleasure of tasting from its own creation followed by an essential ritual of tea. And at this melodious time when the singing of tea arises like a fountain in a exquisite freshness of a minty breeze, dreams begin…

- Course duration: 1H45 followed by tasting dishes
- Rate for 2 persons: 800Mad per person
- Private course: 4 500 MAD (minimum 8 persons)


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