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When craft becomes art

04 August 2014

The special atmosphere that emanates from La Sultana Hotels comes from the exceptional richness of the work of master craftsmen (mâalems) who works to embellish.

The gate, and which gate! The eye does not know where to stop throughout the dexterity of Moroccan craftsmen is expressed and well known for the tradition and legacy.

Walls, ceilings, floors, stairs and banisters, windows, all are masterpieces of art.

We guess the talent of everyone’s work in brick, glorified as the time of the Almohads.
The cedar is beautifully developed, to impose its presence, chiselled piece to make air flowing.
The marble, full vein for columns, to reduce the strength of the stone, gypsum finely ground evokes the work of the meticulous bees. Zelliges, tadlakt, bejmat, coexist, succeed and respond.


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